“In giving a meal, the donor gives five things to the recipient. Which five?
- He/she gives life, beauty, happiness, strength, & quick-wittedness. Having given life, he/she has a share in long life, either human or divine.
- Having given beauty, he/she has a share in beauty, either human or divine.
- Having given happiness, he/she has a share in happiness, either human or divine.
- Having given strength, he/she has a share in strength, either human or divine.
- Having given quick- wittedness, he/she has a share in quick-wittedness, either human or divine. In giving a meal, the donor gives these five things to the recipient.”
The enlightened person giving life, strength, beauty, quick-wittedness—
the wise person, a giver of happiness— attains happiness himself. Having given life, strength, beauty,
happiness, & quick-wittedness, he has long life & status wherever he arises. — AN 5:37